

消耗积分:0 | 格式:pdf | 大小:446.09KB | 2021-04-09


This version (10 Feb 2021 14:46) was approved by Robin Getz.The Previously approved version (03 Jan 2021 21:55) is available.Diff

CN0348 Software User Guide


CN-0348 showcases a solution for precision 16-bit digital-to-analog conversion with wide dynamic signal range in a single supply system. It utilizes a 5V voltage reference (ADR4550), a voltage output digital-to-analog converter (AD5541A), and a rail-rail amplifier as the output buffer (ADA4500-2). The ADA4500-2 exhibits zero crossover distortion and this feature makes it an excellent choice as an output buffer to maintain the linearity of the AD5541A over its input digital code and provide a wide dynamic output range. The combination of parts provides industry-leading 16-bit integral nonlinearity (INL) of ±1LSB and differential nonlinearity (DNL) of ±1LSB with guaranteed monotonicity. This user guide gives information on how to use the evaluation software to collect data from the EVAL-CN0348-SDPZ Daughter Board.

Required Equipment

  • EVAL-SDP-CB1Z Controller Board (SDP-B Board)
  • EVAL-CN0348-SDPZ Evaluation Board (CN-0348 Board)
    • (supplied with provided CD in kit)
  • PC with the following Minimum Requirements
    • Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista or Windows 7
    • USB type A Port
    • Processor rated at 1GHz or faster
    • 512 MB RAM and 500 MB available hard disk space
  • USB type A to USB type mini-B cable
  • SMB Connector
  • For INL/DNL data collection:
    • GPIB Controller for Hi-Speed USB Type A Connector Cable (NI-488.2 3.1.1 GPIB controller driver is available at https://www.ni.com/en-us/support/model.gpib-usb-hs.html
    • Agilent 3458A

      NOTE - Any multimeter can be used with this board. However, for INL/DNL measurement, software interface was written with the Agilent 3458A in mind.

Installing the Software

  1. Open the file setup.exe that is provided from the CD in kit.

    NOTE: It is recommended that you install the CN0348 Evaluation Software to the default directory path C:/Program Files/Analog Devices/CN0348/ and all National Instruments products to C:/Program Files/National Instruments/

  1. Click Next to view the installation review page

  2. Click Next to start the installation

  3. Upon completion of the installation of the CN0348 SDP Evaluation Software, the installer for the ADI SDP Drivers will execute.

    NOTE: It is recommended that you close all other applications before clicking “Next”. This will make it possible to update relevant system files without having to reboot your computer.

  4. Click “Next” to set the installation location for the SDP Drivers.

    It is recommended that you install the drivers to the default directory path
    C:/Program Files/Analog Devices/SDP/DriversR2

  5. Click “Next” to install the SDP Drivers and complete the installation of all software.

Using the Evaluation Software

Software Control and Indicator Descriptions

  1. LDAC COntrol
    • Always check the box before starting any test
  2. Write to DAC Button
    • Enter the digital input code in “DIN”
    • When “WRITE TO DAC” button is clicked, the digital input code is sent to the DAC
  3. Output Indicator
    • The LED string indicates the digital input code being written to the DAC (from bit 15 to bit 0)
  4. System Status String / LED Indicator
    • The string indicator displays a message to the user detailing the current state of the software
    • The LED indicator displays the current state of the software in the form of an LED. There are three status LED colors

  5. Code Step Control
    • Enter the code step between each digital input to be written to the DAC
  6. Agilent 3458A GPIB Address Control
    • Enter in the GPIB address of the multimeter
    • GPIB Address can be determined from the multimeter by manually pressing down on SHIFT+Local. By default it should be 22
  7. Current Code / Voltage Indicator
    • This indicates the current digital input code and output voltage of the DAC
  8. File Directory Control
    • This allows you to enter the file directory and name to save the INL/DNL measurement data
  9. INL / DNL measurement graphs
    • These graphs display the INL and DNL vs. input digital code when data collection is done

  10. Transfer Function Graph
    • This graph shows the transfer function of the DAC output voltage vs. input digital code

  11. SDP Board Firmware Information
    • This gives you the up to date information on the SDP board firmware

Connecting the Hardware and Taking Measurements

  1. Connect the SDP Board to the CN0348 Board
  2. Connect +6V and analog ground to the CN0348 board (J1)
  3. Connect the USB cable supplied with the SDP board to the USB port on the PC and the SDP board
  4. Connect Vout (J3) to a multimeter
  5. Open CN0348.exe. It should be located in C:/Program Files/Analog Devices/CN0348/
  6. The application will attempt to connect to the board immediately
  7. Check LDAC box
  8. Perform functionality test by entering the following in DIN and click WRITE TO DAC
    1. 0000; multimeter should read close to 0V
    2. FFFF; multimeter should read close to 5V
    3. OUTPUT (Bit 15 to Bit 0) should also light up the associated LED indicator

For INL/DNL data collection:

  1. Connect Vout to the Agilent 3458A multimeter
  2. Connect the Agilent 3458A to the PC using a GPIB to USB Type A connector (for data collection via Labview software)
  3. Set the multimeter to have “NPLC” as 1
  4. Enter GPIB Address of Agilent 3458A.
  5. Enter desired Code Step
    1. Code Step = 16 takes about 4min 10sec to finish measurement
    2. Code Step = 32 takes about 2min 5sec to finish measurement
  6. Enter the file name and path you want to save data in Enter file name to save data before running
  7. Click on Start
  8. Current Code and Current voltage should show the progress of measurements
  9. To exit, go to File > Exit.

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