The TC14433 is a low-power, high-performance, monolithic CMOS 3-1/2 digit A/D converter. The TC14433 combines both analog and digital circuits on a single IC, thus minimizing the number of external components. This dual slope A/D converter provides automatic polarity and zero correction with the addition of two external resistors and two capacitors. The full scale voltage range of this ratiometric IC extends from 199.9 millivolts to 1.999 volts. The TC14433 can operate over a wide range of power supply voltages, including batteries and standard 5-volt supplies. The TC14433A features improved performance over the industry standard TC14433. Rollover, which is the measurement of identical positive and negative signals, is specified to have the same reading within one count for the TC14433A. Power consumption of the TC14433A is typically 4 mW, approximately onehalf that of the industry standard TC14433. The TC14433/A is available in 24-Pin PDIP, 24-Pin SOIC (TC14433 device only), and 28-Pin PLCC packages
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