The AD7524 is a low cost, 8-bit monolithic CMOS DAC designed for direct interface to most microprocessors. Basically an 8-bit DAC with input latches, the AD7524’s load cycle is similar to the “write” cycle of a random access memory. Using an advanced thin-film on CMOS fabrication process, the AD7524 provides accuracy to 1/8 LSB with a typical power dissipation of less than 10 milliwatts. A newly improved design eliminates the protection Schottky previously required and guarantees TTL compatibility when using a +5 V supply. Loading speed has been increased for compatibility with most microprocessors. Featuring operation from +5 V to +15 V, the AD7524 interfaces directly to most microprocessor buses or output ports. Excellent multiplying characteristics (2- or 4-quadrant) make the AD7524 an ideal choice for many microprocessor controlled gain setting and signal control applications.
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