The DAC8248 is a dual 12-bit, double-buffered, CMOS digitalto-analog converter. It has an 8-bit wide input data port that interfaces directly with 8-bit microprocessors. It loads a 12-bit word in two bytes using a single control; it can accept either a least significant byte or most significant byte first. For designs with a 12-bit or 16-bit wide data path, choose the DAC8222 or DAC8221. The DAC8248’s double-buffered digital inputs allow both DAC’s analog output to be updated simultaneously. This is particularly useful in multiple DAC systems where a common LDAC signal updates all DACs at the same time. A single RESET pin resets both outputs to zero. The DAC8248’s monolithic construction offers excellent DACto-DAC matching and tracking over the full operating temperature range. The DAC consists of two thin-film R-2R resistor ladder networks, two 12-bit, two 8-bit, and two 4-bit data registers, and control logic circuitry. Separate reference input and feedback resistors are provided for each DAC. The DAC8248
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